More Innovation from ProActive with these recent updates!
Action logs by locations facility added for recording the location originating the action log.
Action log type added for the creation of action log reports by type i.e. customer complaints. manufacturing, external provider non conformities. OHS, environmental etc.
Action log access restriction to locations allocated by your admin team. Improves performance focus and accountability - Edit User Access Permission
Acton log reports – Create reports by all, individual or multiple allocated locations and type.
Action log content support - drag and drop file capture file explorer for action logs to capture supporting information .
Export to excel function – revised spreadsheet to include both locations and categories and type.
Dashboard – Count open and under investigation action logs relating to allocated action log locations only.
Comprehensive EXTERNAL PROVIDER CONTROL work stream software aimed at enhancing the assessment / risk management of your suppliers, contractors and service providers.
Record source table format to be made identical in format to that used for “Documented Information (System Docs) Access Rights”.
New illustrated External Provider Control instruction manual.
Records details – Provide for client specified disposal method above the currently standardised for “Archived Electronically” and “Shredded”.
Equipment report reporting improvements – category and locations.
Additional file directory for the capture of support documentation/evidence of conformity.
New location selector for allocated system documents - Edit User Access Permission
Logo set up functions for one logo all locations or an individual logos for separate locations.
Individual forms allocation facility. - Edit User Access Permissions
Add document viewer functionality to all file explorers.
Improved, easier to use and better illustrated instruction manuals.