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Climate change amendment requirements to ISO systems announced by ISO February 2024
13 May 2024 17:00

On 23 February, 2024, the ISO released amendments to several ISO standards, these include:

  • ISO 9001 
  • ISO 14001 
  • ISO 27001 
  • ISO 45001 
  • ISO 22301 

The amendments provide specific guidance within clauses 4.1 and 4.2, urging organisations to assess the impact of climate change on their operations and customer interactions. The aim is to encourage organisations to weave environmental considerations into their quality management systems. While the notes in ISO standards are intended to guide implementation and are advisory in nature, they highlight areas that may be emphasised during audits.

Change requirements require the inclusion of additional text underscoring the significance of Climate Change as a crucial consideration within the organisational context of the relevant management system.

Click here to access your free ISO 9001:2015 amendment download 

Click here to access your free ISO 14001:2015 amendment download

Climate action kit useful information to help clients consider their climate impacts

Link to full IAF/ISO joint communique

What's this means for ISO certified organisations

It means each organisation must review and consider whether climate change impacts their management systems. While some organisations will see no impact or change to their system, others may see a significant impact and changes as a result.